TikTok has become a cultural powerhouse. If you see an online trend blowing up, it probably started there. Almost every other social platform has created their own version of short-form videos to keep up with the hype. And as a result, TikTok content spreads across the entire social sphere. 

The platform’s influence is now stretching well beyond its signature dance trends. It has also entered the world of eCommerce. With TikTok Shop it’s becoming a digital destination for fashion discovery, inspiration, and purchases. Powered by an algorithm that pushes content to hyper-targeted audiences, TikTok creates a unique opportunity to reach the right customers at just the right moment.

Are you leveraging TikTok’s blend of creativity, entertainment, and commerce to capture your customers’ attention and drive sales? Or are you just another brand getting lost in the scroll?

Understanding Generations: The Key to TikTok Success 

TikTok isn’t just for Gen Z – your content shouldn’t be either. Though the younger generation makes up 60% of the platform’s user base, each generation interacts with content differently. Yet, they all want the same thing: brands that get them. If your enterprise brand is pumping out polished, corporate content, you’re likely missing the mark. 

Gen Z craves unfiltered authenticity. They’ve grown up in a world filled with ads, and they see through anything too shiny and staged from miles away. So on TikTok, if you don’t speak their language, you’re nothing but noise. 

Millennials want more than simple transactions – they crave experiences and storytelling. If your content doesn’t connect with their personal values or experiences, you can forget about making a sale. 

What Kind of Content Should Enterprise Fashion Brands Be Creating?

Creating content on TikTok isn’t about following the crowd – it’s about setting the pace. The content you post should align with your brand. That’s why enterprise fashion retailers need to approach TikTok content strategically and with purpose. So what should you be creating?

TikTok Shop Optimized Content: The Power of Seamless Shopping

TikTok is no longer just a place to go viral – it’s where purchases happen. And Americans are spending over $7 million a day on TikTok Shop, with projections showing that by 2027, 43% of TikTok users will be making purchases directly on the platform. 

For enterprise fashion brands, this means a new era of online retail has begun. How can you capitalize on this shift? Make it easy to discover, engage with, and buy your products. 

It’s not enough to simply be present on TikTok Shop, so for your content you should:

  • Upload your entire catalog, not just the best sellers: TikTok’s algorithm thrives on diversity. You never know which product will go viral, so why limit yourself to showcasing a select few? By uploading all your products, you open the door for unexpected purchases, reaching a wider audience than you would otherwise.
  • Invest in creating prime shoppable videos: On TikTok, users engage more with content that feels natural. Showcase your products in an authentic, dynamic way. Clothing hauls, try-ons, and styling videos, for example, tend to perform best. The key is to give viewers enough time to see the details of your products – without overwhelming them by over-selling. Add a direct link to your TikTok Shop, and you’ve created a seamless path from discovery to purchase.
  • Leverage TikTok’s open affiliate program: Don’t overlook TikTok’s affiliate marketing option. Its vast network of creators who actively promote your products in exchange for a commission. This includes more than influencers with massive followings – micro-influencers can drive their smaller, more niche communities more effectively.

TikTok Shop isn’t just an add-on to your strategy – it is the strategy. Fashion brands that embrace this immersive shopping experience will give your brand the competitive edge it needs to thrive. 

Organic Content: Show Who Your Brand Is 

On TikTok, authenticity wins. The TikTok For You page leaves no room to hide – consumers can spot inauthentic brands within seconds. They’re increasingly turned off by overproduced content that feels out of touch.

The key to success for enterprise fashion brands is to find the right balance between aspirational and authentic. But how do you make your brand feel human on a platform known for dance trends and meme culture?

  • Employee-generated content (EGC): Your team is your greatest asset in showing the true personality of your brand. Create videos that highlight the people behind the clothes – whether it’s day-in-the-life vlogs, employee style videos (OOTD), or fun office moments. EGC makes your brand more approachable and relatable, creating a more personal connection with your audience.
  • Behind the scenes content: Don’t just show the final product – take your audience on the journey. Whether it’s showcasing the craftsmanship behind your collections, the design process, or sneak peeks from campaign photoshoots, behind-the-scenes content builds trust by showing how your brand works. It humanizes the fashion world and makes your brand feel accessible.
  • Trendspotting and fast execution: TikTok trends come and go fast, so staying relevant means being quick on your feet. Don’t just follow trends – find clever ways to make them your own while staying true to your brand’s voice. Your content should feel like a natural part of the TikTok ecosystem while standing out from competitors. This is your chance to position yourself as culturally in-tune with what’s happening now.

Jewelry brand Mejuri nails its strategy by blending all of these tactics seamlessly. Its TikTok is filled with videos of its employees styling jewelry in the office, giving followers an inside look at how real people wear the brand’s pieces in everyday life. They also dive into TikTok trends, but manage to do it in a way that’s authentic to the brand – never forced or out of place. Mejuri’s ability to balance EGC with trends has made them part of the larger TikTok conversation, rather than another brand just trying to make a sale.

Enterprise brands need to focus on building trust through organic content. The goal isn’t to appear perfect – it’s to be real, relatable, and relevant. Once your content feels like it belongs on TikTok, you’re on the right track. 
Want to learn more about optimizing your social commerce strategy? Download your copy of our white paper Fashion Retail 2025: Strategies to Lead In A Trillion Dollar Market.

Because TikTok users are quick to scroll past anything that feels like an ad, enterprise brands also need to rethink their paid strategies. The goal isn’t just to be seen – it’s to engage in a way that feels seamless and genuinely engaging. 

But how can enterprise fashion brands make their ads feel organic, while still delivering results? On TikTok, you can win with:

  • Subtle product placement: TikTok isn’t the place for overt, pushy ads. Instead, integrate your products naturally in already-engaging content. Think lifestyle videos where your product is part of the story, rather than the story itself. Don’t be afraid to join in on the joke as well – even if you’re at the center of it. The more seamlessly your product fits into the narrative, the more likely your audience will pay attention and take action.
  • Collaborations: Influencer marketing on TikTok is all about authenticity. Partner with influencers who truly reflect your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience. Take Ralph Lauren for example – rather than producing a straightforward ad, the brand invited viral influencer Nara Smith and her husband to bring its clothing to life in a vlog-style post, generating more than 1.6 million views. 

The primary goal for paid ads on TikTok is capturing attention without making it feel like an ad. Through storytelling and influencer partnerships, you can slide your brand into current conversations in a way that feels organic. The more subtle and captivating your ads are, the more likely they are to convert.

Key TikTok Metrics

For enterprise brands, success can’t always be measured by likes. The true power of TikTok lies in visibility – getting you content in front of as many eyes as possible. Focus on capturing attention and driving quality views. Always ensure that your content keeps people watching. 

So which metrics actually matter?

Watch Times and Completion Rates: The Ultimate KPIs 

On TikTok, views are king. It’s not about who’s liking or commenting on your videos – it’s about who’s watching and how long they’re staying. The longer viewers watch, the more likely the algorithm is to show your video to others. So the question you should ask yourself is, how are you grabbing attention in those first few critical seconds? 

TikTok’s algorithm rewards watch time and completion rates, which means the longer people stay engaged with your content, the better. Hooking viewers from the beginning is essential. Does your content have the power to keep users from scrolling away?

How Is Your Brand Standing Out From The Competition? 

TikTok is where brands are made – or overlooked. In a world that’s constantly battling for consumer attention, the brands that seamlessly blend into the TikTok feed are the ones that stand out.